Woman angry at NHS after son killed her father

A woman says an NHS trust failed to learn lessons from her son's case in time to prevent the Nottingham attacks.
2024-08-15 08:06:28

Katie Price arrested for failing to attend court on return to UK

The ex-glamour model failed to turn up to court to face a hearing related to her multiple bankruptcies.
2024-08-09 00:07:11

Boxing controversy - what we know and what we don't

The IOC's decision to allow the entry of two athletes, that are said to have failed gender eligibility tests, has proved controversial.
2024-08-02 17:07:01

Warrant issued for Katie Price's arrest

An arrest warrant is issued after she failed to attend a court hearing relating to her bankruptcies.
2024-07-30 13:19:31

Veterans say MoD failed them over pollution payout at US military base

UK veterans and their families were left at risk - they say they weren't told about compensation.
2024-07-30 08:09:18

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-19 02:06:50

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-18 18:08:43

Tories lost because we failed to deliver - Jenrick

Ex-immigration minister does not rule out running for Tory leader but says focus should be on what went wrong.
2024-07-07 12:08:13

Bolivia's failed coup attempt... in 75 seconds

It all started when the presidential palace in La Paz was stormed by soldiers.
2024-06-27 15:08:04

US couple 'walked for hours' before dying in Hajj heat

The two pilgrims' daughter says a tour agency they used had failed to provide basic necessities.
2024-06-25 05:08:06

Horizon is robust, says ex-boss of postmasters' union

George Thomson tells an inquiry the real "scandal" is the Post Office failed to defend the system.
2024-06-21 15:11:13

What does Nigel Farage really want?

Why is a man who has failed to get elected to Parliament seven times causing panic in Tory ranks?
2024-06-15 17:08:05

UK economy fails to grow during wet April

The economy failed to grow in April after particularly wet weather affected spending.
2024-06-12 09:08:21

Czech PM blames failed arson attempt on Russia

Post Content
2024-06-10 21:08:59

Failed 'coup plotters' go on trial in DR Congo

Post Content
2024-06-07 18:08:28

TV star shaken after Jaguar brakes fail during drive

Craig Phillips describes "terrifying feeling" when brakes failed on his Jaguar I-Pace
2024-03-08 20:08:12

Water investors have withdrawn billions, says research

A report suggests shareholders have taken billons but failed to invest as water bills look set to rise.
2024-05-20 02:06:36

Water investors have withdrawn billions, says research

A report suggests shareholders have taken billons but failed to invest as water bills look set to rise.
2024-05-20 08:07:37

'I have to scrape mould off the bedroom walls'

The BBC can reveal insulation fitted under government schemes could have failed in hundreds of thousands of homes.
2024-05-29 03:06:42

China expresses support for Russia after failed mercenary revolt

Post Content
2023-06-26 16:13:11

Italy to seize $835m from Airbnb in tax evasion inquiry

Prosecutors say the firm failed to collect a 21% tax from landlords on rental income.
2023-11-07 04:07:03

Man crushed to death by robot in South Korea

The robotic arm reportedly failed to distinguish between the man and the boxes it was handling.
2023-11-08 15:10:53

Payout for Uber Eats driver in discrimination case

A black delivery driver's account was removed after facial-recognition software failed to recognise him.
2024-03-26 10:10:05

Thames Water troubles swell as parent firm defaults

Holding company Kemble has told lenders that it has failed to meet a deadline for interest payments.
2024-04-05 16:09:31

Post Content
2024-05-27 09:08:35

Doctors' warnings ignored as UK nurse killed more babies

Hospital bosses failed to investigate allegations and tried to silence doctors, BBC investigation finds.
2023-08-18 20:29:33

New Zealand landlord loses rubbish row with Chinese embassy

The landlord claimed the embassy failed to pay up to NZ$960 in rubbish removal and other costs.
2023-10-20 10:10:26

Aid stalemate leaves Zelensky with little to show from US trip

The Ukrainian president failed to secure a breakthrough on more US aid during his third visit to Washington.
2023-12-13 04:07:20

Watch moment US pastor survives shooting attempt during sermon

Pennsylvania pastor Glenn Germany escaped injury when gunman's firearm failed to discharge.
2024-05-06 21:08:15

Russian general who ran Ukraine war fired - report

Sergei Surovikin was head of aerospace forces but has not been since a failed mutiny in June.
2023-08-23 19:40:51

Steve Scalise drops out of US Speaker race

The Republican lawmaker failed to gain enough votes to secure an overall majority in the chamber.
2023-10-13 03:06:24

Judge threatens to jail Trump for 'blatant' gag order violation

The judge said Mr Trump had failed to take down a post from his website mocking a court clerk.
2023-10-20 19:08:37

Ukraine-based groups claim raids into Russia

Russian rebel forces claim villages in Kursk and Belgorod areas - Moscow says the attacks failed.
2024-03-12 14:08:38

Al Pacino explains awkward Oscars announcement

The night ended in a confusing manner, after Pacino failed to read out all the best picture nominees.
2024-03-12 11:09:11

FBI failed 'at fundamental level' before Capitol riot, Senate report claims

The FBI and other agencies failed "at a fundamental level" to assess the risk of violence, a report claims.
2023-06-27 16:16:36

Paris: Macron calls police killing of teen 'unforgivable'

His words followed the shooting of a 17-year-old who failed to obey traffic police in the Paris region.
2023-06-28 16:12:11

N Korea tells Japan it will launch spy satellite in days

Two failed launches earlier this year caused alarm in South Korea and Japan.
2023-11-21 07:08:35

Paul Pogba: Juventus midfielder's B sample confirms positive drugs test

Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba's failed drugs test is confirmed after his B sample also tests positive.
2023-10-06 16:08:46

Roman Butchaski: Former Australian radio host missing in croc-infested waters

Roman Butchaski failed to return to his camping ground while on a solo fishing trip on Sunday.
2023-11-14 05:06:47

UK nuclear-armed submarine suffered malfunction

An unnamed Vanguard class submarine's depth gauge failed in an incident that happened more than a year ago.
2023-11-20 16:08:13

Sudan conflict: Warring factions agree seven-day ceasefire, US says

US State Department urges military leaders to uphold agreement after past failed peace attempts.
2023-05-21 07:07:52

Hamas claims Israeli operation ended in hostage death

The group releases video it says shows the aftermath of a failed attempt to free a hostage held in Gaza.
2023-12-09 00:06:46

Pascale Ferrier jailed for 22 years for mailing Donald Trump ricin

Pascale Ferrier, a dual citizen of Canada and France, said she regretted that her plan to "stop Trump" failed.
2023-08-18 02:04:40

Post Title

Turkey's fiercely contested presidential election appears likely to go to a second round after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan failed to secure 50% of votes cast on Sunday.
2023-05-15 21:06:58

Post Title

Turkey's fiercely contested presidential election is heading to a runoff after neither President Recep Tayyip Erdogan nor his chief rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, failed to secure 50% of the vote.
2023-05-16 02:07:02

Independent experts quit Mexico over roadblocks in 43 missing students case

An independent panel of experts investigating the 2014 disappearance of 43 students from a rural teachers' college in Mexico announced they're withdrawing from their probe because the government had failed to give them access to vital information.
2023-07-27 18:17:32

Amazon nations fail to agree on a common goal to end deforestation

Eight South American countries failed to agree on a common goal to save the critically vulnerable Amazon from deforestation following a landmark summit in Brazil Tuesday, a concerning outcome as the world's largest rainforest acts as a key buffer against the climate crisis.
2023-08-09 21:17:51

Videó: lángokban a szovjet haditengerészet egykori éke

A kínai Jangce folyó partján álló egykori szovjet repülőgép-hordozón, a Minszken pusztító tűz ütött ki, amely jelentős károkat okozott a hajótestben - írja a The War Zone.
2024-08-17 21:06:28

Sejtelmes szavak Vlagyimir Putyintól: jön Kijev második ostroma?

Vlagyimir Putyin elnök keddi sajtótájékoztatóján kijelentette, hogy minden további mozgósítás attól függ, hogy Oroszország mit akar elérni az ukrajnai háborúban, és hozzátette, hogy csak ő tud válaszolni arra a kérdésre, hogy Oroszországnak meg kell-e próbálnia újra elfoglalni Kijevet - számolt be róla a Reuters.
2023-06-13 22:09:50

Észak-Korea is nyilatkozott a kellemetlen műhodas fiaskóról

Észak-Korea hosszú hallgatás után nyilatkozott a május havi sikertelen műholdindítási kísérletről. Phenjan elismerte azt, hogy a nyugati elemzők szerint egyébként is megkérdőjelezhető minőségű rakéta az indítóállomás után meghibásodott, és a tengerbe zuhant - Írja a Reuters. Az északi vezetők finoman szólva sem örülnek a helyzetnek.
2023-06-19 12:14:27

Százezrével állnak a félkész lakások a kínai nagyvárosokban, a vásárlók egyre dühösebbek

Két évvel ezelőtt, amikor az Evergrande pénzügyi nehézségei felszínre kerültek, az ingatlanóriás vezetője a kormányzati tisztviselőkhöz fordult, hogy segítsenek az adósságai megoldásában. A kínai hatóságok ígéretet tettek arra, hogy bizonyos feltételek mellett segítenek csökkenteni a fejlesztő kockázatait. Hui Ka Yan, az Evergrande alapítója és elnöke pedig arra tett ígéretet, hogy azon projektjeinek megvalósítását előre veszi, amelyekben a lakásokat a saját célra vásárlók számára értékesítette és a befektetőknek is fontos ígéretet tett. Ehhez képest eltelt két év, de az 1,2 millió előre elado...
2023-10-16 11:07:47

Zöldre festett baromfit próbált papagájként eladni egy pakisztáni csaló

Papagájként próbált eladni egy zöldre festett csirkét egy férfi a pakisztáni Karacsiban ? írja egy helyi lapra hivatkozva az RTL.hu. A férfi egy online piactérre töltött fel egy fotót a festett szárnyasról és hirdetésében azt írta: a különleges papagáj nem tud beszélni, mint általában a papagájok, van azonban egy különös szokása, napkeltekor kukorékol. A férfi 6500 pakisztáni rúpiát (kb. 8000 forintot) kért a ?papagájért?, de aligha sikerült eladnia, a közösségi médiát ugyanis gyorsan elárasztották a csalási kísérleten viccelődő posztok. The post Zöldre festett baromfit próbált papagájként ela...
2023-05-22 10:10:49

Izrael a Palesztin Iszlám Dzsihád állítólag eltévedt rakétáját okolja a gázai kórházi támadásért

Izrael a Palesztin Iszlám Dzsihád állítólag eltévedt rakétáját okolja a gázai kórházi támadásért. A The Times of Izrael című lap szerint az izraeli külügyminisztérium kiadott egy videót és egy grafikát, amelyek ?egyértelművé teszik? hogy A Palesztin Iszlám Dzsihád elhibázott lövése felelős a gázai kórházat ért találatért. A videó hitelességét a lap nem ellenőrizte. ?Október 17-én 19 óra körül a Palesztin Iszlám Dzsihád rakétákat lőtt ki Izrael felé? ? idézik a minisztérium közleményét, amely szerint  az egyik palesztin rakéta ment félre. Az izraeli külügyminisztérium által kezelt X-fiókban azt...
2023-10-17 23:06:16

Voices: How Brexit failed to take control ? it made immigration rise

Post Content
2023-05-15 21:14:07

UPDATE 1-UK PM Sunak's spokesperson: Brexit has not failed

Post Content
2023-05-16 14:13:51


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